MEET Michael Strachan

Marketing Data Specialist


MEET Michael Strachan

Educator Profile

Michael is focused on data cleanliness and health. He firmly believes that bad data can be worse than no data, not only in reporting and decision making but also in how the data is used to optimize. More than ever, advertising platforms are leveraging 1P data to directly automate their campaigns, not having clean data in the accounts will set you up for failure. Michael is expert in PerformanceScan, which audits Google Analytics account as soon as it's granted access, delivering a 100 page report with detailed scorecards tying into how impactful each check is on your business and a readymade project plan for what to address first. For agencies, it can be rolled out for your entire portfolio of clients almost instantaneously with results available for anyone to see. In addition to the technology tool set and GA work we also consult brand and agencies on their marketing plans, cleanup site tagging, and provide custom dashboarding. Education : Bachelor of Science

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